Sunday, August 19, 2012

4 months old and 2 years old

4 months old
15 lb 12.5 oz (90%)
26 in (95%)

My sweet Anne Marie is such a little joy. She is my smiling and laughing favored one. 

She is such a big girl already! She is wearing a range of sizes 3-6 months, 6-9 months, and 12 month sleepers! The sleepers fit her perfectly because of her long self. 

She is showing great neck control as well as full torso control. When she does tummy time, she lifts all of her 12 lbs up off the quilt. She loves to play with her toys! She's doing great to reach out and grab her giraffe and bring it to her mouth. I am afraid that teething is eminent. :(

She has started flipping over in the last two weeks. She has mastered the belly to back flip. We find her on her back most mornings. But she has gotten half way from her back to her belly a couple of times today. Not to excited about the fact that she decided to practice while in the bathtub, but she didn't ask my opinion.

She is such a sweet little social bug. She loves for people to be buzzing around in the midst of her. She especially loves when those busy bees stop and chat with her. 

I can't keep myself from kissing her cheeks all the time! She looks at me and stares into my eyes and grins bigger than life and an overwhelming urge to squeeze her tight overcomes me. 
I am her momma. She loves me more than anything. The feeling is definitely mutual. I love the reactions that I get from her that no one else does. It was worth every minute of lost sleep and every single ounce of milk that helped me have this bond with my sweet little girl. 

She is eating every 5 hours and taking a morning and afternoon nap during the day and sleeping from about 7pm - 6am at night (give or take 30 minutes). 

She loves her big brother already!
He is so sweet to his "Anne Beep". He is doing great with all the transitions that comes with school starting back. They both handled it champs. we just have to be very purposeful with our evening routine.  Time is very limited, so we try to enjoy each others company in the midst of dinner, bath, books, and bed. 

Potty training is still going very well. A few accidents here and there, but he is such a trooper! So proud of my big boy!

He still loves reading books. New hobbies include splashing in puddles, playing with play-doh, coloring, brushing his teeth after bath, hiding, and getting various "animal hugs" from daddy right before bed. 

This stage is also full of crying, whining, fits, and lots of "no's" but we will get through it. Thanks for all of you who pray for us often! We need it as we continue to search for God's will for our family. 

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