Monday, April 2, 2012

Our Last Night as The Ulrich Three


It hit me tonight that things were REALLY changing tomorrow.
We sat down as usual to dinner and proceeded to give Alan his bath like usual.
But then we took him to his Grammy and Pop Pop's to sleep.

That is when it hit me. I was driving my car to leave with Grammy for transporting Alan the next few days while Mommy and Daddy are at the hospital.

Meanwhile, unbeknowings to me, Daddy and Alan, following close behind in Daddy's car, were having a conversation about Anne Marie coming. He even said "Anne Marie" while in the car. I got the priviledge of hearing his sweet voice say his little sister's name as we tucked him in to bed. It was music to my ears.

I know we have a special boy. I know he is the most special thing to me since I met Bruce. I also know that as women have more children, their heart's ability to love grows even more. But for the life of me, I can not imagine Alan not being our only.

This sweet girl has lived inside me for 39 weeks now. I have felt her for months and months. Talked to her continuously. She has been with us far before now, but it still seems so surreal. She has been a part of our nightly book reading. She has been with us while playing in the pool outside. She has gone on our walks with us.

So why does this seem like we are losing something so special?
Probably because for almost two years we have poured our hearts and souls into our sweet and sensitive boy. With every transition, this Mommy becomes a little nervous and this one is no different.

Please pray for our Ulrich Three tomorrow. We will be adding a new member to The Ulrich Posterity. I pray that I will have the strength to endure what God has created me to do. I know in my heart of hearts that I was made to be a wife and mother. I have no doubt that this is God's plan for my life.

Thanks for all of your support as Bruce and I struggle tomorrow. Nothing worth having is ever easy, right? After all, we will have a precious baby girl in our arms when it is all over.

We will be sure to keep you updated as things progress. If you are on twitter, follow @brudaddy and @rascalwrangler. This will be the quickest and easiest way to update you.

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