Saturday, November 26, 2011

17 Months and 20 Weeks

What a difference a month can make!
My sweet little boy is growing up way too fast. At lightning speed it seems. He has now outgrown a few of his 2T shirts. Wow... some we didn't even get a chance to wear before the sleeves were too short. Oh well, I am sure that happens to all parents, right?  I hate to think we are being wasteful with the clothing that God has so graciously blessed us with. (Aaron and Laura Smith) Sometimes the seasons just fall at the wrong transition period, I guess.
Alan's 17 month stats:
(We missed his 15 month appointment by a long shot)

Weight: 27.8 lbs - 75th percentile
Height: 34 in - 95th percentile
Head: 19.25 in - 75th percentile

He is amazing. He has developed an impressive independence in a month. He will now go play by himself for short periods of time. Most of these stretches, I find myself peeking my head around the corner just to see what he is up to. I am always pleasantly surprised by what I find. He is usually sitting in his room, legs crossed, with a book in his lap. It always makes me smile the biggest smile.
 He also  loves, loves, loves his blanket more than ever. When he gets a little bit tired, he goes to his room and pulls with all of his might to get his blanket out of his bed through the slats. It is the cutest sight I have ever seen. After he gets the aformentioned blanket, he promptly inserts his thumb into his mouth and lays on top of it.
Bruce and I think he is ready for a big boy bed. Many of those instances, he would probably go ahead and lay in his bed were he able to get in by himself. We will probably make the transition in the next couple of weeks. Our plan is to put his crib mattress on the floor first to help him with the adjustment. After the danger of rolling off has passed, we plan on getting him a twin bed. It is so hard to think of his room not being the "baby" room anymore.
During this transition out of the baby bed, we will also be moving the rocker and monitors out as well. The thought of this makes me very uneasy. Any of you who know me well know that the thought of something uncertain shakes me in my boots. I always get an overwhelming sense of worry when headed into unforseen waters. I have felt that way with every transition with Alan.
Luckily, it is always shortlived. I have survived every season so far with much help and wise council from family and friends. Thanks to all of you for helping this ignorant momma raise such a sweet, sweet boy.
As many of you have already heard, we went to the doctor on Tuesday morning to have our sonogram. Everything looked perfect. My sweet baby #2 got an A+ on all vital organs and is growing at a perfect rate according to bone, head, and stomach size.
Momma has only gained 8 pounds which is terrific considering baby only weighs 11 ounces... Someone more intelligent than I please explain to me how that happens again? We gain like 30 pounds and the baby comes out at 6 lbs 10 ounces? What in the world? Oh well. It is all worth it to experience this awesome miracle that is life.
We were able to see the gender of sweet baby #2 while we were there. We are so thrilled and could hardly contain the secret to tell family first. Both sides were so great to play along in the big reveal. Thanks to all of you who waited so patiently while we told our families first.
We hope you enjoy our Announcement Video. Sorry to keep all of you in such suspence for so long. Bruce and I had a great time editting it together. We have such different perspectives on some things, that I am often suprised at how well we collaborate when we have a common goal.
I am amazingly blessed with a God-given husband who loves and respects me for many reasons I can't even imagine. I love you Bruce for being willing to sacrifice in order to be the wonderful father and husband that you are.

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